We offer web-based solutions,
under licence or software as a service

T-Link manages documents’ exchange in the supply chain

The new frontier of data management for companies, online and offline, 24 hours a day.

About us

O&SI is highly committed in training their clients and staff

Our services

Transmission of documents, management of buying and selling, warehouse and excise duties; e-commerce solutions

Our clients

Companies of any sector and size, retail companies or companies that engage with customs offices

Our products

T-Link; WOW Ax; WOW e-commerce; WOW Trade; Supplier portal; Agent/client portal; e-invoicing

“We update constantly to be able to offer the best solutions for the management of your work.”

“Our solutions are automated and integrated with the apps already in use in your company.”

“We used to manage our documents in EDI format with constant need for customisations, then we discovered T-Link.”

“Our products are ideal for every kind of company, from large scale distribution to textile, from cosmetics to retail.”


EDI data transmission

“After managing all documents in EDI format, with different solutions and customisation, trying to adapt to the needs of different markets, we finally discovered T-Link… and now, we can’t live without it!”.
This is the story of a large-scale wine producer, they have been our client for a very long time. And we have many more stories like this to tell. Which benefits can our clients see right away?

  • Single EDI contact
  • High level of expertise
  • Quick start-up
  • Single file for messages or documents, no need for customisation
  • Simple configuration and management, operated directly by the client whenever adding a new Trading Partner
  • Quick addition of new formats
  • Quick addition of new partners and documents, no need for customisation


Via Goldoni 27, 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) – Italy
Phone: +39 0331421787, Fax: +39 0331511238
We’re easy to reach!

O. & S. I. srl

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© O. & S. I. srl - Via Goldoni 27, 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) - Italy

Phone: +39 0331421787 Fax. +39 0331511238
E-mail: info@oandsi.it - VAT number 13478160156